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  • Una pregunta común sobre el consumo de frutas y verduras es sobre cuál es mejor comer:  ¿Fresco o congelado, cocido o crudo?
    Frozen fruits and vegetables are just as or even more nutritious than fresh fruits and vegetables. Fresh fruits and vegetables have to travel a long way from the farm to your plate so they can lose nutrition along the way. Frozen fruits and vegetables are picked and frozen almost immediately so their nutrients are retained. Frozen vegetables can be very handy when you are time poor, as they are often pre-chopped. They can also be useful if the availability of fresh vegetables is limited in your area. The method of cooking can also influence the nutritional content. Water soluble vitamins such as vitamin C are most affected by heat and water. Steaming and microwaving are the best cooking methods for vegetables to retain their nutrients. These methods take less cooking time and do not require much, if any, water. Methods such as boiling require much more water and the cooking time is often longer so the loss of nutrients is greater. However, cooking vegetables also makes them much easier to digest so nutrients are more easily absorbed compared to raw vegetables. It may be beneficial to eat a variety of raw and cooked vegetables.
  • ¿Qué son las calorías/kilojulios?
    Calories and kilojoules (often shortened to Cal or kJs) are both units of energy that are used to represent the amount of energy in a food. Calories and kJs both represent energy in the same way that centimetres and feet both measure height. The kilojoule (kJ) is an International system of units (SI) measurement whereas Calorie is a measure of energy using the metric system.
  • Cocinar vegetales en el microondas destruye sus nutrientes
    We should worry less about nutrient loss and more about eating more vegies. Microwaving your food has no more effect on the nutrients in that food than any other way of heating it. Heat does cause a small drop in some nutrients such as folate, vitamin C and thiamin — but this can never be avoided, no matter how you cook your food. Cooking in a microwave has its advantages. The shorter cooking time means there’s less time for heat to affect sensitive nutrients. And as a bonus, with little water needed, there are minimal losses caused by nutrients leeching into the cooking water.
  • El azúcar hace que el comportamiento de los niños sea hiperactivo
    It’s not the sugar at the party – it’s the party! The sugar and hyperactivity link is one of the most popular food-behaviour myths doing the rounds. Yet science has firmly busted this fable, with dozens of studies failing to find any link. When parents are unaware if their child has been given sugar or a non-sugar substitute, they can’t recognise any difference in their child’s behaviour. It’s only when they believe their child has had a sugary drink, even though the drink contains no sugar, that they rate their offspring’s behaviour as more hyperactive.
  • ¿Los refrescos de dieta son malos para ti?
    Diet colas contain phosphoric acid (used to impart a ‘tang’, or sour flavour) while lemon and lime flavours use citric acid. Both these acids can cause dental erosion, where enamel is dissolved from tooth surfaces. So they can actually be just as harmful.
  • ¿Grasas?
    From a nutrition perspective fats are triglycerides, fatty acids, and phospholipids that provide 9 kcal/g.
  • ¿Qué son los ácidos grasos esenciales?
    The two essential fatty acids are: Linoleic acid (omega-6) Alpha-linolenic (omega-3) These fatty acids are essential because we can't synthesize them. This is because we do not have an enzyme capable of adding a double bond (desaturating) beyond the omega-9 carbon counting from the alpha end (the omega-6 and 3 positions).
  • ¿Deficiencia de ácidos grasos esenciales?
    Essential fatty acid deficiency is rare and unlikely to occur, but the symptoms are: Growth retardation Reproductive problems Skin lesions Neurological and visual problems
  • ¿Qué es la función del colesterol?
    Although cholesterol has acquired the status of nutrition "villain", it is a vital component of cell membranes and is used to produce vitamin D, hormones, and bile acids. We do not need to consume any cholesterol from our diets (not essential) because our bodies have the ability to synthesize the required amounts.
  • ¿Qué es el Metabolismo?
    Metabolism is one of the key features that distinguishes life from non-life. Metabolism refers to the chemical processes within a living organism that provides energy. Metabolism provides the constant supply of energy required to sustain human life, whether at rest, during physical activity, or during recovery. While most people might believe that energy comes from the food we eat, the primary source of energy to sustain life on Earth comes from the sun. The sun provides an abundant solar energy source, which is converted into chemical energy through a process known as photosynthesis. Energy from the sun is ultimately stored in chemical bonds, initially in plants. This energy is then transferred through the food chain, from plants to mammals. It is then used for various things such as locomotion, maintaining body temperature, or cellular functions, or it can be lost as heat to the environment.
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